Sometimes it's not only the big ticket items that really add value. It is a great MOS to be in if you are a high energy, multifunctional, adaptive and the utmost Army professional." "They are never at rest, they are always supporting real-world, real-time operational and installation support where if they don't get it right, the mission fails. "The NCOs in this MOS come from all branches of the Army which enables them to understand the unique requirements of a specific unit," said Murray. MOS 51C NCOs have the vital job of not only providing procurement support for anything a unit might need but also serving the commander as a business adviser - ensuring they get what's needed, on time, to support the mission. Today we have NCOs assigned and deployed to locations such as Italy, Germany, Korea, South America, Africa, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Korea, Kuwait, Afghanistan and every installation in the continental United States," said Murray. "NCOs can get assigned across the globe supporting contingency, humanitarian and disaster relief operations. And those positions are in a variety of locations worldwide. Murray is the ACC command sergeant major and advises the ACC commanding general on all enlisted-related matters, particularly in areas affecting soldier training and quality of life. "After completing the basic contracting course, NCOs are assigned to a contracting office where they first focus on becoming proficient in simplified acquisitions and are then able to progress and hold positions starting as a contingency contracting NCO all the way to the rank of command sergeant major." "Opportunities are endless," said Command Sgt. The NCO contracting corps offers a promising career path and is ripe with opportunity to serve in a variety of locations. "The contracting command was in 49 different countries last year, doing 86 different missions supporting the warfighter," he said. You come back a year later, and you start it all again."įor Pitts, the option of doing something that was vital to Soldiers, but that also got him out of that routine, looked like a winner. You go to unit, you go to the National Training Center or the Joint Readiness Training Center and you prepare. Pitts said that the variety of things a contracting NCO could do, and the variety of places the NCO could go to do them, piqued his interest because "a lot of guys get stuck in the same experiences over and over again. Army Acquisition Support Center, the proponent for 51C reclassification and the agency responsible for ensuring a trained and ready contracting NCO corps. I can go see all these cool places and still support the warfighter and make an impact?' That was the 'aha moment,'" said Pitts, chief proponent NCO for MOS 51C at the U.S. The chart, he said, showed "where contracting guys were, whether it was Australia, Japan, Mongolia - and to me that was like, 'Wow, that's awesome. Specifically, it was the chart of all the missions that 51C supported.

Jason Pitts, the thing that really caught his eye was a map. The Military Occupation Specialty 51C classification trains noncommissioned officers to be contracting professionals, provides significant career and educational opportunities and is one of the few areas of the Army that is expected to grow in the near term. There's more than meets the eye in the world of contracting and "Charlie" has a lot to offer.