GENERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COPPA RULE 1. REQUIREMENT TO LIMIT INFORMATION COLLECTION DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES PARENTAL ACCESS TO CHILDREN'S PERSONAL INFORMATION GENERAL AUDIENCE AND TEEN SITES OR SERVICES THIRD PARTIES, SUCH AS AD NETWORKS AND PLUG-INS, COLLECTING PERSONAL INFORMATION ON SITES DIRECTED TO CHILDREN WEBSITES AND ONLINE SERVICES DIRECTED TO CHILDREN, INCLUDING MIXED AUDIENCE SITES AND SERVICESĮ. PRIVACY POLICIES AND DIRECT NOTICES TO PARENTSĭ. A Statement of Basis and Purpose was issued when the COPPA Rule was promulgated in 1999, and another Statement of Basis and Purpose was issued when the Rule was revised in 2013.Ī. GENERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COPPA RULEĬ. A Statement of Basis and Purpose is a document an agency issues when it promulgates or amends a rule that explains the rule’s provisions and addresses comments received in the rulemaking process. Some FAQs refer to a document called a Statement of Basis and Purpose. This document serves as a small entity compliance guide pursuant to the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. To view the Rule and compliance materials, go to the FTC's Children’s Privacy page for businesses. In addition, you may send questions or comments to the FTC staff’s COPPA mailbox, This document represents the views of FTC staff and is not binding on the Commission. The following FAQs are intended to supplement the compliance materials available on the FTC website. About the FTC Show/hide About the FTC menu itemsĪ GUIDE FOR BUSINESS AND PARENTS AND SMALL ENTITY COMPLIANCE GUIDE.

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